Thursday, March 12, 2020


The Chief Justice of India,
Supreme Court of India,
Tilak Marg, New Delhi-1.

Ref: 1. My 15th Petition to Chief Justice of India dated 23.10.2019.
        2. My 16th Petition to Chief Justice of India dated 19.01.2020.

Dear Sir,
I already sent my 15th Petition to Chief Justice of India dated 23.10.2019 (copy enclosed) to you. I also sent my 16th Petition to Chief Justice of India dated 19.01.2020 (copy enclosed) to you.

This is a grave crime against humanity. Nowhere in this world, a human being tortured in such a manner like me in last 5000 years of world history.  They made more than 1lakh clones out of me. They tortured each and every organ of my body in last 16years ( including my brain, liver, heart, kidney, bones, penis etc). My brain was their worst victim. Layers of layer electronic devices they inserted into my brain. They removed one such layer of electronic devices from my brain when parliament passed Lokpal Bill. They removed another layer of electronic devices from my brain when Mr. Barack Obama, then President of USA, visited India in 2015. They also damaged my private part by inserting hot iron rods into thin capillaries of my private part in 2012 & 2013. They also tried to murder me several times (including one that 10 days long bloodbath in 2009). Apart from me, they also kept some of my family members as captive along with me. They kept my elder brother Sri Rajesh Borah, my younger brother Sri Biraj Borah, My sister Mrs.Rekha Das Borah, My sister-in-Law Mrs.Anima Kakoty Borah, My brother-in-law Sri Pankaj Das and my bhatija Sri Hritik Raj Borah as captive along with me. My father was also their captive. On 2.6.2013, they brutally tortured and murdered my father, Late Krishna Borah. In 2008, they damaged the left leg of my elder brother Sri Rajesh Borah permanently. They did all these to make money and to take benefits such as political, economic and benefits from judiciary. They also used my life under this captive situation for various national/ international purposes and for supreme national interest etc. One more motive of this illegal and barbaric confinement is to hack EVM machines to win elections. In fact EVM machines are hacked in India in all elections since 2006. They are making money and taking above benefits at the cost of my huge sufferings and at the cost of my right, life and dignity. That's why I charged Rs.15 Crore/ hour. I can’t suffer for other people’s benefits and I can’t live in this illegal, inhuman and barbaric confinement any more. I want freedom. I want freedom of my family members those who are captive along with me. I want my dues of Rs.20,000 crore. In fact I should get entire bill amount of Rs.15,47,400 crore. But I want only Rs.20,000 Crore. I’ll not accept anything less than Rs.20,000 crore. I also want a written assurance from President of India on behalf of Indian state that Indian State (Republic of India) will arrest, punish and hang Dr.Pronoy Roy, Mrs.Radhika Roy, Sri Jayanta Baruah, Sri Tarun Gogoi, Md. Shahrukh Khan, Md. Salman Khan, Baba Ramdev, Sri Vineet Jain, Sri Arun Poorie, Ms.shovana Bhartia, Mr.Mark Zuckerbeg and their associates if in case if I die before my age of 70 years.
Since 2005, Republic of India has been taking many exceptional benefits out of my huge sufferings, but at the same time failed to set me and my family members free from this illegal and barbaric confinement with my dues of RS.20,000 Crore in spite of my repeated plea since 2006. This Prime Minister of India Sri Narendra Modi too promised me to pay Rs.7 Lakh Crore to me in 2014 - just before 2014 General Election. But he hasn't paid me Rs.20,000 Core yet. Nobody is honest in India. All are dalal, criminal, murderer, match fixer and EVM machine hacker. This world will be a much better place to live without these 136 Crore criminals. If somebody murder entire 136 Crore Indians (except me &my family members those who are captive along with me) by Directed Energy Weapons, in that case I don't want a single coin. Otherwise I want Rs.20,000 Crore and a written assurance from President of India. On 19.1.2020, I sent my 16TH petition to Chief Justice of India with copies to International community asking Chief Justice of India to behave & act like a Chief Justice of India , not like other 'papi pet ka pujari' type of Indian &to strictly obey every single word of my 15TH petition to Chief Justice of India dated 23.10.2019. All these years all those judges of Supreme Court and Various other courts in India secretly obeying me like little kids-as if I am their real 'Baap'. After that How can Supreme Court disobey my 15TH & 16TH petition to Chief Justice of India? This time Supreme Court of India must obey every single word of my 15TH & 16TH petition to Chief Justice of India- whole world is watching Supreme Court of India. This time Supreme Court of India must instruct Prime Minister of India to deposit my dues of Rs.20,000 Crore into my bank account. Supreme Court also must instruct Secretary of MHA to issue a written assurance to me on behalf of President of India. Supreme Court also must instruct Prime Minister of India to deploy a high power task force to set me and my family members free from this illegal and barbaric confinement.

Therefore immediately instruct Prime Minister of India to deposit my dues of Rs.20,000 Crore in to my bank Account.

Also instruct Secretary of MHA (of GOI), to issue a written assurance to me, on behalf of President of India, that if I die before my age of 70 years, Indian State (Republic of India) will arrest, punish and hang Dr.Pronoy Roy, Mrs.Radhika Roy, Sri Jayanta Baruah, Sri Tarun Gogoi, Md. Shahrukh Khan, Md. Salman Khan, Baba Ramdev, Sri Vineet Jain, Sri Arun Poorie, Ms.shovana Bhartia, Mr.Mark Zuckerbeg and their  entire associates.

And also instruct Prime Minister of India to deploy a high power task force to set me and my family members free from this illegal and barbaric confinement.

I also fear of my life under this captive situation. In case of my death under this captive     situation, please instruct Prime Minister of India to pay my dues of Rs. Rs.20,000 Crore to my two brothers (i.e, Sri Rajesh Borah & Sri Biraj Borah) and then award capital punishment to Dr.Pronoy Roy, Mrs.Radhika Roy, Sri Jayanta Baruah, Sri Tarun Gogoi, Md. Shahrukh Khan,Md. Salman Khan, Baba Ramdev, Sri Vineet Jain, Sri Arun Poorie, Ms.shovana Bhartia, Mr.Mark Zuckerbeg & their entire associates and preserve their heads in national museum to show the world what kind of criminal and maniac they are and what they have done to my life since February,2005. I am also worried about my family members those who are captive along with me. In case of death of any of my family members those who are captive, kindly award capital punishment to Dr.Pronoy Roy, Mrs. Radhika Roy, Sri Jayanta Baruah, Sri Tarun Gogoi, Md. Shahrukh Khan,Md. Salman Khan, Baba Ramdev, Sri Vineet Jain, Sri Arun Poorie, Ms.shovana Bhartia, Mr.Mark Zuckerbeg and their entire associates.

In internet, I have a Google account (, a blog (, a twitter account (, an account in LinkedIn ( and a YouTube channel (I already up loaded two videos in this channel). But very few people are allowed to read and view my contents in those sites. Kindly instruct M/s Google, M/s Twitter and M/s LinkedIn not to deactivate/ delete/ suspend/ restrict my above blog, above Google account, my you tube channel, my above  twitter account and my above LinkedIn account at any cost. On 29.1.2020, Linkedin restricted my above linkedin account illegally. Kindly instruct Linkedin to remove restriction and to activate my above Linkedin account immediately. I had a facebook account ( along with a facebook page ( On 24.02.2019, facebook illegally disabled my above facebook a/c and above facebook page. Kindly instruct M/s Facebook to immediately activate my above facebook account and above facebook page with all my data. Otherwise Facebook must be shut down once for all.

My mobile phones are also tapped. Kindly instruct M/s Vodafone and M/s Reliance Jio to remove telephone tapping and allow me to talk freely with anybody I want to talk. My captors and tormentors also used to lock my mobile phone from time to time. Kindly instruct all my captors and tormentors not to lock my mobile phone anymore. They also temporarily damaged my Jio/ Vodaphone sim card and blocked internet/ phone services from time to time. Kindly instruct all my captors/ tormentors not to do so.

Thanking You,
Yours Truly,

(Tapan Borah)
c/o Late Krishna Borah,
NH-15, NarayanPur (Near SBI Branch). P.O. Dikrong.
Dist:LakhimPur (Assam), India.
Telegram Number:+91- 9706450021
Whatsapp Number: +91-6001515245
My Facebook: (On 24.02.2019, Facebook illegally disabled this a/c)
My Linkedin Account:  (on 29.1.2020 Linkedin illegally restricted this account).
Justice for Tapan Borah: ( On 24.02.2019, Facebook illegally disabled this page)

Enclo: 1. Copy of My 15th Petition to Chief Justice of India dated 23.10.2019.
              2. Copy of My 16th Petition to Chief Justice of India dated 19.01.2020.
Copy To:
1. The Secy. General, UN, (Thro’ UN coordinator in India): for your kind information and    necessary action at your end.
2. The President of European Council, Europe: -----do-------
3. The President of USA, (Thro’ Ambassador of USA in India):------do-----
 4. The Prime Minister of UK (Thro’ British High Commissioner in India):--------do---------
5. The President of Russia (Thro’ Ambassador of Russia in India):--------------do--------
6. The President of France (Thro’ Ambassador of France in India):----------do------
7. The President of People’s Republic of China (Thro’ Ambassador of China in India):-------do---
8. The President of UN General Assembly, (Thro’ UN coordinator in India):-------do------
10. Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (Thro’ Ambassador of USA in India):--------do------------
11. The President of India -------do-------

1 comment:

  1. Today I sent above petition to Chief Justice of India through Speed Post and to others through registered post.
