Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Today I must get freedom and my dues of RS.20KCRORE along with a written assurance from President of India

Today is 25.2.2020. Nobody is honest in India. All are dalal, criminal, murderer, matchfixer & EVM machine hacker. This world will be a much better place to live without these 136 crore criminals. If somebody murder entire 136CRORE Indians ( except me &my family members those who are captive along with me), in that case I don't want a single coin. Otherwise I want RS.20KCRORE and a written assurance from President of India. But RS.20KCRORE is must. In fact I should get entire bill amount of RS.15LAKH CRORE. But I want only RS.20KCRORE. I'll not accept anything less than RS.20KCRORE. Since 2005, Republic of India has been taking many exceptional benefits out of my huge sufferings. But at the same time failed to set me and my family members free from this illegal and barbaric confinement with my dues of RS.20KCRORE inspite of my repeated plea since 2006. On 19.1.2020, I sent my 16TH petition to Chief Justice of India with copies to International community asking CJI to behave &act like a CJI, not like other 'papi pet ka pujari' type of Indian &to strictly obey every single word of my 15TH petition to CJI dated 23.10.2019 - whole world is watching Supreme Court of India. Today ( on 25.2.2020) Supreme Court of India must instruct Prime Minister of India to deposit my dues of RS.20KCRORE into my bank account. Supreme Court also must instruct Secretary of MHA to issue a written assurance to me on behalf of President of India. Supreme Court also must instruct Prime Minister of India to deploy a high power task force to set me and my family members free from this illegal and barbaric confinement.

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