Friday, March 06, 2020

Assam and People of Assam should not get a single coin out of my huge sufferings.

Just half an hour back, I heard in you tube this year Assam budget (normally I don't watch you tube. But my elder brother slept in the same room. He used to watch some particular you tube video in loud sound - as per their command into his brain through this technology). But my question is where Assam will get those huge amount of money for those budget proposal. Assam and People of Assam  should not get a single coin out of my huge sufferings. Fact is that entire 136 crore Indians- including these entire 3.3 CRORE people of Assam ( including all Hindus - upper caste, OBCs, Schedule  caste and tribals, all muslims and people of other religions living in Assam) are all dalal, criminal, murderer, matchfixer and EVM machine hacker. Nobody is honest in India. This world will be a much better place to live without these 136 crore criminals ( including these 3.3 CRORE people of Assam). Therefore Assam and these 3.3 CRORE people of Assam should not get a single coin out of my huge sufferings. On 19.1.2020, I sent my 16TH petition to Chief Justice of India with copies to International community asking CJI to behave &act like a CJI, not like other 'papi pet ka pujari' type of Indian &to strictly obey every single word of my  15TH petition to Chief Justice of India dated 23.10.2019. All these years, all those judges of Supreme Court and Various other courts in India obeying me like a little children secretly - as if I am their real 'Baap' . After that How can Supreme Court disobey my 15TH and 16TH petition to Chief Justice of India? This time Supreme Court of India must obey every single word of my 15th and 16TH petition to Chief Justice of India- whole world is watching Supreme Court of India. Tomorrow ( on 7.3.2020) Supreme Court of India must instruct Prime Minister of India to deposit my dues of RS.20KCRORE into my bank account. Supreme Court also must instruct Secretary of MHA to issue a written assurance to me on behalf of President of India. Supreme Court also must instruct Prime Minister of India to deploy a high power task force to set me and my family members free from this illegal and barbaric confinement.

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