Tuesday, April 12, 2022

First Appeal (RTI) to PMO dated 13.04.2022




The First Appellate Authority

Prime Minister’s Office (PMO),

South Block,

New Delhi


Sub: First Appeal under RTI Act,2005.

Ref: 1. My RTI Application to PMO dated 04.03.2022

        2. My Petition to the President of India dated 16.02.2022


Dear Sir,

I am a citizen of Republic of India. I am in a terrible situation. It is already 17 years now. Nowhere in this world, is a human being tortured like me in last 5000 years of world history. This is a grave crime against humanity. Also gang stalking itself is a heinous crime. I can’t tolerate it anymore. I want freedom. I want freedom of my family members those who are captive along with me. I want my dues of Rs.71,00,000Crores (US$1trillion). I’ll not accept anything less than Rs.71,00,000Crores (US$1trillion). I also want three written assurances from the President of India. I am now surviving on little money I saved during my working days. Within next 30/45 days, I’ll be without any money left to survive. Really I am in deep financial crisis. Therefore, I want my dues of Rs.71,00,000Crores (US$1trillion) at the earliest. I don’t want a job & I don’t want to be a politician. I want Rs.71,00,000Crores (US$1trillion) and three written assurances from the President of India. & I’ll marry a girl or 5(five) only after I get Rs.71,00,000Crores & three written assurances from the President of India.

I wrote my first petition to the Prime Minister of India on 24.11.2006. Since then I wrote many petitions to the Prime Minister of India, the President of India and to Mrs.Sonia Gandhi. I also sent 20nos of petitions to Chief Justice of India, 9nos of petitions to Chairman of National Human Rights Commission and 14nos of petitions to International Community till date. I also sent total 69nos of bills till date. I sent copy of my each bill to Prime Minister of India, President of India, Chief Justice of India, Chairman of National Human Rights Commission and to International Community. I also lodged a police complaint at Okhla Police Station in 2014. Again I submitted another police complaint at Narayanpur Police Station, Narayanpur, District: Lakhimpur, Assam (India) on 10.07.2021.

Recently I sent my one another petition to the President of India dated 16.02.2022 (copy enclosed).I sent a copy my above petition to The President of India dated 16.02.2022 to the Prime Minister of India.

After that I sent a RTI application to PMO dated 04.03.2022 seeking following information:

1.    What action The Prime Minister of India has taken on my above Petition to the President of India dated 16.02.2022?

2.    When shall I get my dues of Rs.71,00,000 Crores (US$1trillion)? (Please note I must get US$1 trillion. I’ll not accept anything less than Rs.71,00,000Crores).

3.    When shall I get three written assurances from the President of India?

4.    Lately I noticed one thing: my petitions are actionable in President’s Secretariat, but not actionable in PMO & MHA. Why it is so?

5.    When the Prime Minister of India will deploy a high power task force to set me and my family members (those who are captive along with me –as mentioned in my petition to the President of India dated 16.02.2022) free from this illegal, inhuman and barbaric confinement?

This is my First Appeal against my RTI application to PMO dated 04.03.2022

Information I sought are of vital public importance, my dues of Rs.71,00,000 Crores (US$1trillion dollars) and my freedom from this illegal & barbaric confinement along with three written assurances from President of India. Information I sought are not only crucial to me, but crucial to entire world also. Information I sought are of vital public importance which shows the transparency & accountability in the functioning in the Prime Minister’s Office and practice of Standard Operating Procedures while such requests are made by the public at large.

The CPIO received my RTI application to PMO dated 04.03.2022. But even after completion of mandatory 30days period I have not received any reply from the CPIO of PMO. This is a clear violation of RTI Act,2005.

Releif Sought:

a)    Please instruct the CPIO to give the complete (point wise) and accurate information forthwith or collect the information and send to me immediately.

b)    Recommend to the State Information Commission, Assam, that a penalty and disciplinary action should be taken against the CPIO as per RTI Act,2005 for not maintaining and providing the records/ information as mandated in the law. No reasonable cause can be there for not replying at all.

The information requested by me was of vital public importance and as per RTI Act,2005, non-availability and non-maintenance of records/ documents or information is a complete violation of the RTI Act,2005 and the person must be penalized for his/ her act of dereliction of duty and irregularity in work as per RTI Act,2005.

As I reside far away from your office, it will be suitable for me to attend virtual hearing (through whatsapp/ Telegram video call).

Therefore,I humbly request you to please exercise your power as First Appellate Authority and instruct the CPIO to give the complete (point wise) and accurate information to me immediately. And also reprimand the CPIO for his dereliction of duty. Otherwise, as per RTI Act,2005, I shall be forced to approach the honorable CIC for the complaint against the FAA as well.


  Enclosed: 1. Copy of my RTI Application to PMO dated 04.03.2022.

   Thanking you,

   Yours Truly,



  (Tapan Borah)

  c/o Late Krishna Borah,

  NH-15, Narayanpur (Near SBI Branch).

  Ward No.3, P.O. Dikrong.

  Dist:Lakhimpur, Assam (India),



  Telegram:+91- 9706450021

  Whatsapp Number: +91-6001515245

  My Blog: www.moinakon.blogspot.com

  My new twitter account: www.twitter.com/tutuborah123
  Instagram:  tapanborah67

  ShareChat: tutub1967

  KOO: tapan67

Copy To: 1. Chairman of NHRC: for kind information and necessary action.

                3. Chief Information Commissioner  --------do---




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